Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Dental Health Resources

Dental Appliances Can Help You With Sleep Apnea

Sleep is essential to your health and well-being, and sleep disorders can seriously impact physical health. There are dental appliances available to help treat sleep apnea, and today our Delta dentists explain the options.

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Do's and Don'ts After Dental Fillings

If you’ve got a cavity, having a dental filling placed by your dentist is a necessary procedure. There are a few tips that can make the time immediately following the filling a bit easier. Our Delta dentists offer some advice about what you should and should not do after a filling.

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Planning For Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Cosmetic services can not only help you achieve a whiter smile but did you know that they may be able to also help restore your smile? Here our Delta dentists discuss how they go about planning for your cosmetic dental procedures.

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12 Tips for Wearing Clear Aligners From Our Dentists

Are you wondering how you can get the most out of your clear aligners - and how to wear them so you'll feel as comfortable as possible? Our Delta dentists review some tips for you.

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Dental Bonding vs. Dental Veneers

Cosmetic dental procedures such as dental bonding and veneers are a great way to lighten and transform your smile. Our Delta dentists are here to explain the key differences between each procedure.

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Facts Everyone Should Know Before Choosing a Clear Aligner

Choosing a clear aligner is an important decision, and you want facts to help you make your choice. Our Delta dentists have you covered. Here are important facts everyone should know before choosing a clear aligner.

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Teeth Whitening: In-Office vs. At-Home

You may be wondering about the difference between teeth whitening at your dentist's office compared to do-it-yourself treatments at home. Here, our Delta dentists shed some light on your options for this popular cosmetic dental procedure to lighten your smile. 

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The Science Behind Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners

We know that many adults and teens opt to undergo orthodontic treatment with clear aligners, but have you ever wondered about the science behind this popular option? Our Delta break down the scientific reasons clear aligners are so effective at helping to straighten smiles.

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How long do Porcelain Veneers last?

Porcelain veneers are a great option when it comes to restoring the natural appearance of your smile. One thing you may be wondering if you plan on having porcelain veneers however is how often you may need to repair or replace them. Our Delta dentists discuss porcelain veneers and how long you can expect them to last with the proper care.

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Clear Aligners & Their Value

If you’re seriously considering straightening your smile with clear aligners, you may be wondering if you’ll get the value you deserve, and if the cost is worth it. Today, our Delta dentists explain what you may want to take into account when thinking about choosing aligners.

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New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in Delta? We're happily accepting new patients from around the Lower Mainland at our dental clinic! Contact us to get started today. 

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(604) 591-2828